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Red Letter Media Wiki

MacCauCau in 2004.

MacCauCau (b. August 26, 1980) is a musician and actor frequently appearing on the internet web series Best of the Worst.

While working under his Christian name of Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin, his breakthrough in acting came at the age of seven with his iconic portrayal of Paul Gephardt on CBS' The Equalizer. After a subsequent string of career missteps, Culkin was catapulted to international stardom by a leading role (as himself) in Michael Jackson's music video "Black or White." Suddenly and inexplicably, however, he vanished from public consciousness.


Unknown man stalking MacCauCau.

Enraged by his precipitous professional collapse, Culkin lashed out at the world, earning numerous public nuisance citations. Only after a pilgrimage to Lumbini did Culkin find illumination in the Four Noble Truths and become MacCauCau. Now made whole, the enlightened MacCauCau formed a comedy rock band called Pizza & The Revolution or whatever, in which he featured as lead kazooist. He soon after created the "comedy brand" Bunny Ears, whose website has been described as "an amalgamation of The Onion, Cosmo, and Clonazepam."[1]

Though MacCauCau had cast aside any mortal desire for celebrity by 2018, a chance encounter with hack auteur Jay Bauman beneath a freeway overpass in Los Angeles' Skid Row culminated in—among other things—the surprise rejuvenation of his long-dormant acting career. MacCauCau now semiregularly co-hosts Bauman's derivative YouTube content series Best of the Worst, on which he is at all times shadowed by an unknown bespectacled man.

In 2019, MauCauCau married the longtime president of the MauCauCau Fan Club, Rich Evans.

  1. Knowles, Harry (September 11th, 2015). "Bunny Ears Gave Me AIDS...On Purpose!". Ain't It Cool News.